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Luxembourg Fund Report 2023



Complete Picture of Domiciled, Regulated  & Unregulated Funds 

Complete coverage (100%) of Luxembourg regulated funds from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) and the Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés  (RCS), augmented with data from other sources for unregulated and non-domiciled funds means you get the full picture.

The Luxembourg Fund Report is our largest report with over 14,224 regulated sub-funds processed; 10,081 falling under the UCITS regime and 4,143 non-UCITS. The report also details 5,436 unregulated sub-funds, such as RAIF, Lux LP (SCS/SCSp) and SOPARFI.

Complete Picture of Service Providers

Each fund's service providers are listed:

  • Administrator

  • Auditor

  • Custodian/Depositary

  • Legal Adviser

  • Management Company/AIFM

  • Promoter/Initiator

  • Transfer Agent



Validated and Quality Checked with our Long-Term Contacts

After ingesting data from regulators and other sources we prepare extracts for each service provider and contact our extensive network to validate and update their entries.



Decision-Making is Simplified with 34 Succinct Data Points

If you have a full picture and you can trust the data, performing business analysis, looking for insights, driving strategy and making decisions becomes simpler by filtering on our 34 data points. The report will help you understand:

  • Service Provider Ranking

  • New Business (win/loss)

  • Market Penetration

  • 3rd Party Business

Simplify your decision-making



Regulated, Unregulated & Non-Domiciled Funds

Our data not only comprises the regulated funds but also less-documented, harder-to-find unregulated (RAIF, Lux LP, SOPARFI) and non-domiciled funds:


A fund set up under Part II of the Luxembourg Law of 17 December 2010 on undertakings for collective investment (UCIs) that can invest in all asset types, qualifies as an alternative investment fund (AIF) and can be sold to all types of investors


A Reserved Alternative Investment Fund (RAIF) can invest in all asset types, is not CSSF regulated and qualifies as an alternative investment fund (AIF) such that it must appoint an authorised external Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM)


A société d’investissement en capital à risque (SICAR) is an investment company  designed for investments in private equity and venture capital. It usually qualifies as an alternative investment fund (AIF) and can be sold to well-informed investors only

Lux LP

A société en commandite simple (SCS) or société en commandite spéciale (SCSp), known as 'Lux LPs' are formed under law of 10 August 1915 as onshore fund vehicles, segregated account vehicles or co-investment vehicles and can qualify as an alternative investment fund (AIF)


Investment funds, regulated at a European Union (EU) level relating to undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities as regards depositary functions, remuneration policies and sanctions


A SOPARFI (SOciété de PARticipations FInanciéres) is used as a holding and financing company and can appoint an authorised external Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) 


A Specialised Investment Fund (SIF) can invest in all asset types of assets, usually qualifies as an alternative investment fund (AIF) and can be sold to well-informed investors

Non-domiciled schemes serviced in Luxembourg

Approximately 4% of listed funds serviced from Luxembourg are non-domiciled. E.g., Cayman, Delaware, Guernsey, Jersey

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